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S01E06 8


████    重点词汇
████    难点词汇
████    生僻词
████    词组 & 惯用语

[学习本文需要基础词汇量:3,000 ]
[本次分析采用基础词汇量:4,000 ]

After my mom died, I started remembering
things that happened when I was little.
- What happened to Dana.
- Dana? Who's Dana?

What are you doing here?

I was just visiting my friend.

This patient is not allowed visitors.

I guess I have to go.

I am so sorry, Zach.


I don't want to disturb you.
I just left some important papers here.

- What are you doing?
- I'm repairing a chipped mug.

Why don't you just buy a new one?

Because I think it's better
to fix what you already have.

Listen. Um...

- About what happened today.
- You humiliated me, Rex.

For no good reason.

- I'm sorry.
- I was there. I was willing.

- Normal men don't say no to that.
- You... You upset me.

See, I don't think that's the reason.

After I left the motel, I did some
thinking about us and our sex life.

I realized there has been a disconnect.

- But it's coming from you.
- That's ridiculous.

For years we've been making love

and you've started
to ask me something then stopped.

- What are you talking about?
- You are unhappy with our sex life

because you're not getting something
but you're too afraid to ask.

My problem is that you can't stop
thinking about the housework.

Then take me right here, right now.

The house is spotless. There are no
burritos around to pull my focus.

- I'm not in the mood.
- Why not?

We haven't had sex for months. Most men
would be climbing the walls by now.

- Please don't do this.
- Rex, whatever you want.

I will go there with you.
You just have to say it out loud.

Tell me. What do you want?
What do you need?

I need for you to stop talking like
this. You sound like a whore.

No, I sound like a woman
whose husband won't touch her.

Rex, after Mary Alice killed herself,
it all hit me.

We all have our secrets. I think
it's time for you to tell me yours.

I'm going.

That night, while most
of Wisteria Lane dreamt the night away,

Lynette was in the middle
of her own personal nightmare.

Determined her boys
would not miss their fairy-tale debut,

Lynette had stayed up
18 hours straight, sewing.

But she began to fear her story
would not have a happy ending.

Luckily for Lynette,
she had a magic potion handy.

And once she had taken it...

the magic kept working...

and working...

and working.

It wasn't until noon
that Lynette finally took a break,

and the reality of what she had done
began to sink in.

My. What big eyes you have.

I'm going to the store.
Do you need anything?

I'm fine, thank you.

So what's been going on with her?
Have you found anything out yet?

Actually, the more I watch her, the more
I think she's not stepping out on you.


debut ['deɪbju:] n. 初次登台;开张 vi. 初次登台 n. (Debut)人名;(法)德比 {gre :4249}

motel [məʊˈtel] n. 汽车旅馆 n. (Motel)人名;(德)莫特尔 {cet4 cet6 ky ielts :5251}

mug [mʌg] n. 杯子;脸;苦读者 vi. 扮鬼脸,做怪相 vt. 行凶抢劫 {cet4 cet6 ky :5770}

handy [ˈhændi] adj. 便利的;手边的,就近的;容易取得的;敏捷的 n. (Handy)人名;(英)汉迪 {gk cet4 cet6 ky toefl ielts :5980}

sewing [ˈsəʊɪŋ] n. 缝纫;缝纫业 v. 缝(sew的ing形式) n. (Sewing)人名;(德)泽温;(英)索英 { :6446}

rex [reks] n. 雷克斯(男子名);国王;君主 { :6769}

luckily ['lʌkɪlɪ] adv. 幸好,侥幸;幸运地 { :6875}

housework [ˈhaʊswɜ:k] n. 家务事 {zk gk ky :7299}

um [ʌm, əm] n. (Um)人名;(柬)温;(阿拉伯)乌姆 int. 嗯(表示迟疑) { :7325}

dana ['deinə] n. 美国德纳(美国汽车公司) { :7508}

disconnect [ˌdɪskəˈnekt] vt. 拆开,使分离 vi. 断开 {toefl :8173}

whore [hɔ:(r)] n. 娼妓,淫妇 vi. 卖淫,娼妓 { :8725}

humiliated [hjuˈmilieitid] v. 屈辱(humiliate的过去式);使…丢脸,使…蒙羞 adj. 羞辱的 { :9338}

potion [ˈpəʊʃn] n. 一剂;一服;饮剂 {ielts :15221}

burritos [ ] (burrito 的复数) n.墨西哥玉米煎饼 { :15896}

spotless [ˈspɒtləs] adj. 无可挑剔的;无瑕疵的;纯洁的 {toefl :16294}

wisteria [wɪˈstɪəriə] n. 紫藤;柴藤 { :24567}

fairy-tale [ˈfɛəri teil] adj. 童话的;童话式的

a whore [ ] None

climb the wall [ ] (不感兴趣或厌烦时)不顾一切急于要离开;(对某种情况)做出过于激动的反应,情绪过于激动;欣喜若狂;[俚语]

climb the walls [ ] [网络] 走投无路;厌烦透了;恨不得早点脱身

in the mood [in ðə mu:d] [网络] 好心情;兴致勃勃;情绪中

magic potion [ˈmædʒik ˈpəʊʃən] 迷魂汤

out loud [aut laud] [网络] 大声地;大声地许愿;大声点

sink in [siŋk in] un. 晕倒;西斜;渗入;打进心坎 [网络] 被理解;被了解;被完全理解

the mood [ ] [网络] 情绪;那种心情;杨善洲影视图片

to fix [ ] [网络] 固定;修理;定影

to sink [ ] [网络] 沉没;下沉;意外下陷

zk/中考 gk/中考 ky/考研 cet4/四级 cet6/六级 ielts/雅思 toefl/托福 gre/GRE
* 词汇量测试建议用